IRIX 6.5 Applications 1999 May
SGI IRIX 6.5 Applications 1999 May.iso
Text File
463 lines
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5. _K_n_o_w_n__P_r_o_b_l_e_m_s__a_n_d__W_o_r_k_a_r_o_u_n_d_s
5.1 _U_p_g_r_a_d_i_n_g__f_r_o_m__a__P_r_e_v_i_o_u_s__V_e_r_s_i_o_n__o_f__S_i_t_e_M_g_r
+o When upgrading from an earlier version of SiteMgr, the
web site database that was previously built by the
SiteMgr initialization process will need to be
upgraded. This operation can be done easily from within
the SiteMgr client, when you first attempt to load the
particular web site (you will be prompted accordingly).
However, before this operation can happen, the server
machine that contains the SiteMgr database (the
machine/web site being administered by SiteMgr) _m_u_s_t be
upgraded with the latest SiteMgr software, in
particular, _s_i_t_e_m_g_r._s_w._b_a_s_e and _s_i_t_e_m_g_r._s_w._s_e_r_v_e_r,
version 1.1 (the version of the Server Extensions and
the Client _m_u_s_t match).
5.2 _I_n_i_t_i_a_l_i_z_a_t_i_o_n__a_n_d__S_e_t_u_p
+o Before beginning, please read the "_I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n
_I_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n" chapter of these release notes if you
haven't already done so. It provides detailed
information on enabling the HTTP server for SiteMgr
access, establishing a secure environment for SiteMgr,
and other very important items.
+o The initial database creation step may take some time,
proportional to the number of documents in your doc
root. The database initialization dialog requests
appropriate email address(es) in order to alert you
when the database has been created and is ready for
access. Until that message is received, you cannot
access the database. Feedback from the initialization
process is available from the client in the form of a
document counter, which is returned when the "_L_o_a_d _W_e_b
_S_i_t_e" button is clicked in the client.
+o If you are running a separate HTTP server instance for
utilizing SiteMgr (see "_I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _I_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n" for
information concerning this topic), make sure you
differentiate between the "_S_i_t_e_M_g_r _S_e_r_v_e_r/_L_o_c_a_t_i_o_n:"
and the "_S_e_r_v_e_r/_L_o_c_a_t_i_o_n:" in the SiteMgr
Initialization dialog.
The value specified for the "_S_e_r_v_e_r/_L_o_c_a_t_i_o_n:" field
should be the server and port that people normally use
to view your site. For example, the two entries may
look like:
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_S_i_t_e_M_g_r _S_e_r_v_e_r/_L_o_c_a_t_i_o_n: http://www.foo.com:6949
_S_e_r_v_e_r/_L_o_c_a_t_i_o_n: http://www.foo.com
If SiteMgr is being run through the same HTTP server
instance that people normally use to view your site,
then the entries should be identical.
+o When initializing the database, SiteMgr _o_n_l_y picks up
documents and directories that are found off the
document root for the HTTP server instance you have
specified. Documents and directories can be in the form
of symbolic links (which are automatically followed),
found somewhere within the document root. Anything
outside of the document root will _n_o_t be picked up if
there is no symbolic link to it from within the
document root.
In particular, user documents with URLs of the form
_h_t_t_p://_w_w_w._f_o_o._c_o_m/~_j_s_m_i_t_h/_f_o_o._h_t_m_l will not be found
unless there is a symbolic link from within the
document root to the user's Unix directory (default
location ~_j_s_m_i_t_h/_p_u_b_l_i_c__h_t_m_l).
+o If, after initialization, your entire web site (under
the document root) is not showing up in SiteMgr, this
may be due to the fact that certain directories are
excluded from processing. They can be set via the
_D_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_i_e_s _t_o _E_x_c_l_u_d_e _F_r_o_m _P_r_o_c_e_s_s_i_n_g: text entry
field in the SiteMgr Initialization dialog form. These
directories are excluded to provide the user with a
more accurate picture of the web site, avoiding any
files installed from other products and concentrating
on the true content for the site. For this reason (and
to avoid accidental deletion/modification of files in
these areas, AND to speed up processing), it is
recommended that you _d_o _n_o_t _r_e_m_o_v_e _e_n_t_r_i_e_s _f_r_o_m _t_h_i_s
_l_i_s_t _u_n_l_e_s_s _a_b_s_o_l_u_t_e_l_y _n_e_c_e_s_s_a_r_y. You may _a_d_d to this
list as appropriate for your particular web site.
Directories listed by default include:
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+o If the initialization process was somehow aborted, the
file <document_root>/.sitemgr/sm.init must be removed
before initialization can be done again.
+o If you need to _c_o_m_p_l_e_t_e_l_y _r_e-_i_n_i_t_i_a_l_i_z_e your database,
you can run the following command from a shell (where
<_d_o_c_u_m_e_n_t__r_o_o_t> could be /_v_a_r/_w_w_w/_h_t_d_o_c_s, for example):
#### ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssiiiitttteeeemmmmggggrrrr////bbbbiiiinnnn////ssssmmmmddddbbbbffff....ccccggggiiii <<<<ddddooooccccuuuummmmeeeennnntttt____rrrrooooooootttt>>>>
If this process is somehow aborted, the file
<document_root>/.sitemgr/sm.init must be removed before
smdbf.cgi can be executed again.
This function can also be performed from the SiteMgr
+o Load the web site you wish to re-initialize.
+o Access the menu item "Initialize (New) Site..."
found under the "Views" menu.
+o The SiteMgr Initialization dialog will be brought
up with all relevant information filled in for the
site you have loaded. Clicking the "Initialize
Database" pushbutton will perform the operation
for you.
+o _U_p_d_a_t_i_n_g the database can be done from within the
SiteMgr client, under the menu item "Views" > "Update
Site Information". Follow the instructions on the
dialog and click the "Update Database" pushbutton.
Updating the database should be done in the event that
documents on your site are changed without going
through the SiteMgr client. For example, editing or
removing documents directly within the document root.
SiteMgr should detect the modifications made within
your document root and put the database in sync.
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5.3 _V_e_r_s_i_o_n__C_o_n_t_r_o_l
+o If you specify to use "Version Control" in the SiteMgr
Initialization dialog, the SiteMgr server extensions
(CGI) will look for the existence of a Revision Control
System (RCS) Utility program (/_u_s_r/_s_b_i_n/_r_c_s). If you
have installed the RCS binaries in a different location
location, you should create the following symbolic
#### llllnnnn ----ssss <<<<yyyyoooouuuurrrr____llllooooccccaaaattttiiiioooonnnn>>>>////rrrrccccssss ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////rrrrccccssss
#### llllnnnn ----ssss <<<<yyyyoooouuuurrrr____llllooooccccaaaattttiiiioooonnnn>>>>////cccciiii ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////cccciiii
#### llllnnnn ----ssss <<<<yyyyoooouuuurrrr____llllooooccccaaaattttiiiioooonnnn>>>>////ccccoooo ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////ccccoooo
#### llllnnnn ----ssss <<<<yyyyoooouuuurrrr____llllooooccccaaaattttiiiioooonnnn>>>>////rrrrccccssssmmmmeeeerrrrggggeeee ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////rrrrccccssssmmmmeeeerrrrggggeeee
#### llllnnnn ----ssss <<<<yyyyoooouuuurrrr____llllooooccccaaaattttiiiioooonnnn>>>>////rrrrccccssssddddiiiiffffffff ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////rrrrccccssssddddiiiiffffffff
#### llllnnnn ----ssss <<<<yyyyoooouuuurrrr____llllooooccccaaaattttiiiioooonnnn>>>>////rrrrlllloooogggg ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////rrrrlllloooogggg
The Revision Control System (RCS) Utilities can be
installed from _e_o_e._s_w._r_c_s. On IRIX 6.2 systems, you can
install that subsystem from your IRIX 6.2 part 1 of 2
CD. On IRIX 6.3/4/5 systems, you can install it from
your IRIX 6.3/4/5 CD.
+o If "Version Control" is turned off, you will lose the
ability to track multiple versions of HTML, VRML and
text files (and also apply revision comments to them);
as well as apply locks to documents, etc. Image files
and other binary objects are not placed under RCS
control (no multiple versions, etc.) at this time.
+o If "Version Control" is turned on, RCS subdirectories
will be created in every directory of your site if they
do not already exist. Thus, the timestamp of every
directory in your site will be set to the time at which
you initialize the database. Whenever you update the
database, files that were changed outside of SiteMgr
will be checked in and the timestamp of directories in
which they reside will be reset.
5.4 _H_a_n_d_l_i_n_g__D_o_c_u_m_e_n_t_s__W_i_t_h_i_n__Y_o_u_r__S_i_t_e
+o Image map files referenced within a HTML document are
not used for this release of SiteMgr. The
recommendation is to embed your image map information
within your document, as outlined in the HTML 3.0
specification (utilize the "<MAP>" element/tag).
+o At this time, directories within the document root are
not handled as a "first-class" objects. When specifying
the removal of a directory, the documents will indeed
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be removed, but the directory does not get removed. You
can accomplish the removal of the empty directory(ies)
with the rmdir (or rm) command(s), if you wish to fully
clean up your document root.
SiteMgr does not display empty directories (that exist
under your document root) to the end-user. However, you
can safely "create" a directory view ("New Directory")
in the SiteMgr client with the same name as an empty
directory that exists under your document root and
populate it with documents, and no problems should
+o Another situation with the removal operation that the
site administrator should be made aware of occurs when
"Version Control" is turned on within SiteMgr. In this
case, after a removal operation is performed, SiteMgr
does _n_o_t delete the RCS history file. For example,
removing /my_dir/foo.html will not delete the
accompanying history file, /my_dir/RCS/foo.html,v. This
is by design, but may be subject to change in future
releases. It was done in this manner to provide a
"safety-net" for the site administrator, in the case of
accidental deletion. Recovery is possible through the
RCS command set, allowing for re-creation of the
deleted file. See _R_C_S(_1) for more information.
+o When validating the HTML encoding of a document,
SiteMgr utilizes the program _w_e_b_l_i_n_t. In order to find
this program, SiteMgr looks for the existence of
/_u_s_r/_l_o_c_a_l/_b_i_n/_w_e_b_l_i_n_t. If SiteMgr fails to find
_w_e_b_l_i_n_t in that location, it will use its own local
copy found in /_u_s_r/_s_i_t_e_m_g_r/_b_i_n (_w_e_b_l_i_n_t version 1.017).
+o Validation of VRML encoding works only for VRML 1.0
files at this time.
+o If you wish to enable the spell checking feature for
the Validation module, you will need to install
_e_o_e._s_w._s_p_e_l_l (the Spell Utilities), if this subsystem
is not already installed on the server machine.
5.5 _S_i_t_e_M_g_r__C_l_i_e_n_t
+o The client can (possibly) get into a "hung" state if
the SiteMgr Server Extensions (_s_i_t_e_m_g_r._s_w._s_e_r_v_e_r) are
used in conjunction with a Netscape FastTrack Personal
Server, version 2.0P (_n_s__f_a_s_t_t_r_a_c_k) or earlier. In
earlier versions of this server there were problems
handling CGI (Common Gateway Interface) processes which
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could cause this situation. The workaround is to
upgrade to (at least) version 2.01 of _n_s__f_a_s_t_t_r_a_c_k.
Version 2.01 can be found on the IRIX 6.5 Applications
CD, or on the IRIX Applications CD (for IRIX 6.2, 6.3
and 6.4) which was released in August of 1997.
+o _U_p_d_a_t_i_n_g the database can be done from within the
SiteMgr client, under the menu item "Views" > "Update
Site Information...". Follow the instructions on the
dialog and click the "Update Database" pushbutton.
Updating the database should be done in the event that
documents on your site are changed without going
through the SiteMgr client. For example, editing or
removing documents directly within the document root.
SiteMgr should detect the modifications made within
your document root and put the database in sync.
+o Sites making use of the _O_u_t_B_o_x _P_e_r_s_o_n_a_l _W_e_b _S_i_t_e _T_o_o_l_s
(_o_u_t_b_o_x._s_w.*) for maintaining content may want to also
use SiteMgr. Note that SiteMgr could be used in place
of the OutBox Tools; however, utilizing both tools is
indeed possible. In that case, files published,
removed, or updated through the OutBox Tools need to be
"recognized" by the SiteMgr server/database. To make
that happen, the SiteMgr database needs to be updated
so that it reflects the changes made to the site. From
the SiteMgr client, access the menu item "Views" >
"Update Site Information", follow the instructions on
the dialog, and click "Update Database" pushbutton.
+o Administering a site (or following links from the
Preview window) through a firewall situation (utilizing
a SOCKS host, for instance) requires the use of the
-_w_e_b_p_r_e_f_s (or -_w_e_b) command-line option when starting
up the SiteMgr client:
%%%% ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////ssssiiiitttteeeemmmmggggrrrr ----wwwweeeebbbbpppprrrreeeeffffssss
See _s_i_t_e_m_g_r(_1) for more information on all command-line
+o The Print ("Print Document...") functionality found
within the Preview panel is rather basic, and does not
support a complete HTML 3.x tagset. In particular,
tables are not formatted correctly. This will be
corrected in a future release. Printing of more
"complex" HTML documents may best be done through an
alternate browser (which can be chosen within the
SiteMgr client, in the Preview panel).
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+o SiteMgr does not properly preview those documents
containing Java applets at this time. Previewing
documents of that type might be better handled through
the choice of an alternate browser (which can be chosen
within the SiteMgr client, in the Preview panel).
+o Documents displayed using a secure channel (the "HTTPS"
protocol) need to be viewed utilizing an alternate
browser (which can be chosen within the SiteMgr client,
in the Preview panel).
+o The built-in Previewer may have trouble with loading
certain images. If clicking the reload (circular arrow)
button does not cause these images to load, you may
want to examine how the <IMG> tags are specified. In
the case where the attribute "SGI_SRC" is set, it must
appear _b_e_f_o_r_e the attribute "SRC" (which designates the
HTTP path to the image file).
+o The built-in Previewer has problems viewing RGB (SGI)
Image file types at this time. Previewing files of that
type might be better handled through the choice of an
alternate browser (which can be chosen within the
SiteMgr client, in the Preview panel).